The reversing dementia course
This course is designed to help you learn what you need to know to help yourself or a loved one who has or may be concerned about dementia.
Welcome to the reversing dementia course
A video interview with one of our patients in 2015
Understanding Dementia
What is Beta Amyloid
What is a CBC
What are red blood cells
Red Blood Cells
What are white blood cells
White blood cells
WBCs-Monocytes and eosinophils
WBC's Neutrophils
WBC's Lymphocytes
WBC's Basophils and Band Cells
What does a low WBC count mean
What is hemoglobin
Hemoglobin discussion
What is bilirubin and liver enzymes
Bilirubin, Iron
HSCRP, Homocysteine, Glucose, Sodium and potassium
Chloride, CO2, BUN, Creatinine, Uric Acid, Calcium
Understanding blood urea nitrogen
Phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase, albumin, globulin
C reactive protein
What is insulin
Glucose and the brain
Vitamin B12
What is High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein
Insulin why do we test
Insulin explained
Thyroid hormones and sex hormones in general
Thyroid gland explained
Special test for Alzheimer's disease
The Mito/Keto diet for your brain
An explanation of how the different parts of the brain work together and how we help them
Deep TMS for dementia-a novel therapeutic
What you must know to save your brain